IOEX-4422 Modbus Register Reference

The following register addresses in this page imply the following:

Register Modbus
Access Size Address Range
Coil 01
C Read
1 bit 00000-09999
Discrete Input 02 DI RO 1 bit 10000-19999
Input Register 04 IR RO 16 bit 30000-39999
Holding Register 03
HR Read
16 bit 40000-49999

When using the Modbus register addresses in this page, the above table implies that the address are actually in the 0xxxx, 1xxxx, 3xxxx and 4xxxx address range for the "Register Type" defined for each address in the tables below.

The addresses below are for the first IOEX module connected to the ZumEdge radio. Add 200 to each address for each position up in the IOEX stack. For example, if reading Circuitry Protection on channel 1 on the second IOEX module in the stack, read address 224 (full DI address of 10224). If reading that same register on the third IOEX module in the stack, read address 424 (full DI address of 10424).

Channel Links:

Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 Channel 5 Channel 6 Channel 7 Channel 8 Channel 9 Channel 10 Channel 11 Channel 12 Device

Channel Chan 1
Chan 2
Chan 3
Chan 4
Chan 5
Chan 6
Chan 7
Chan 8
Chan 9
(Iso DI)
Chan 10
(Iso DI)
Chan 11
(Iso DO)
Chan 12
(Iso DO)
Config Registers (Coil [C]) (R/W)
Enable Default Output 24 25 26 27 -- -- -- -- -- -- 34 35
Clear Counter on Read 64 65* 66* 67* 68* 69* 70* 71* -- -- -- --
Debounce Input 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 -- --
Edge to Count 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 -- --
Counting Speed -- -- -- -- 92 93 94 95 -- -- -- --
Default Output Switch State 48 49 50 51 -- -- -- -- -- -- 58 59
Integer Type 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 -- -- -- --
Voltage or Current 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 -- -- -- --
Command Registers (Coil [C]) (R/W)
Clear Counter 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 -- --
Counter Latch 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 -- --
Output Switch 0 1 2 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- 10 11
Input Coils (Discrete Input [DI]) (Read Only)
Circuitry Protection 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Input State 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -- --
Input Registers (Input Register [IR]) (Read Only)
Input (Float) 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 -- -- -- --
Input (Int) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 -- -- -- --
Input (Scaled Int) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 -- -- -- --
Pulse Counter 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 -- --
Holding Registers (Holding Register[HR]) (R/W)
I/O Mode 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Current Range 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 -- -- -- --
Averaging Window 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 -- -- -- --
MonoStable Time 80 81 82 83 -- -- -- -- -- -- 90 91
Resistor Pull 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 -- -- -- --
Scaling Mode 72 73 74 75 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Voltage Range 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 -- -- -- --
Zero Current Offset 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 -- -- -- --
Zero Voltage Offset 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 -- -- -- --
* -- Whether or not to clear the counter after each time it is read (this ONLY works on Channel 1).

Channel 1

Data Registers (read only)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Input (Float) Analog input state as a floating point number. May represent voltage or current, depending on the Voltage or Current setting. ch01.floatState AI 32 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Input (Int) Analog input state as a 20-bit integer, unscaled. ch01.intState AI 0 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Scaled Input (Int) Analog input state as an integer, scaled to represent microAmps(μA) or milliVolts(mV) ch01.scaledIntState AI 0 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Circuitry Protection The status of circuitry protection on the channel. When this register reads on, an overload condition has been detected and the channel is temporarily disabled. DO, AI, SP 24 1 DI off: 0
on: 1
Pulse Counter The number of pulse edges seen on a DI channel. ch01.counter DI 64 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Input State The DI state of the channel. ch01.state DI 0 1 DI low: 0
high: 1
Approx Current The approximate number of milliAmps flowing through a DO channel set to high. ch01.current DO, SP 112 1 IR min: 0
max: 0

Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
I/O Mode

Sets the I/O role for the channel. One of:

  • (0) Off
  • (1) Digital Output(DO): Channels 1-4, 11, 12
  • (2) Digital Input(DI): Channels 1-10
  • (3) Analog Output(AO): Channles 1-4
  • (4) Analog Input(AI): Channels 1-8
  • (5) Sensor Power(SP): Channels 1-4
ch01.mode off, DO, DI, AO, AI, SP 16 1 HR off: 0
DO: 1
DI: 2
AO: 3
AI: 4
SP: 5
Enable Default Output Apply default DO/SP output on power up. Default is taken from defOutputSwitch register. WARNING - Changing this setting to 'off' may result in unpredictable behavior. ch01.defOutEnable DO, SP 24 1 C off: 0
on: 1
Clear Counter on Read Whether or not to clear the counter after each time it is read (Channel 1 only). ch01.clearOnRead DI 64 1 C off: 1
on: 0
Debounce Input Take multiple samples before deciding that an edge is real and not noise. Reduces max frequency of counting to 10 Hz. Only valid if counting speed is standard. ch01.debounce DI 152 1 C off: 0
on: 1
Edge to Count Whether to count rising or falling edges. ch01.edge DI 96 1 C rising: 0
falling: 1
Current Range (μA) The range of current that can be input or output for the channel. ch01.Cspan AO, AI 120 1 HR min: 0
max: 25000
Default Output Switch State The default state of the outputSwitch register when configured as DO or SP. ch01.defOutputSwitch DO, SP 48 1 C open: 0
closed: 1
Averaging Window Moving average duration for floating point and integer inputs, to reduce signal noise. ch01.filtering AI 40 1 HR 250s: 5
50s: 3
25s: 2
10s: 1
100s: 4
none: 0
Integer Type The integer type reported by the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers. ch01.intType AI 112 1 C unsigned: 0
signed: 1
Monostable Time (ms) The number of milliseconds after which a DO channel returns to its default state. Set to 0 for indefinite stability. ch01.monostableTime DO 80 1 HR min: 0
max: 60000
Resistor Pull Set to 'down' to connect a 10 kΩ pull-down resistor.
Set to 'up' to connect a 1 kΩ pull-up resistor.
Set to 'none' to disable both.
ch01.pull DO, DI, AO, AI 56 1 HR up: 2
down: 1
none: 0
Scaling Mode Change the scaling of of the Output (Scaled) register. ch01.scaling AO 72 1 HR 14bit: 14
12bit: 12
16bit: 16
muA: 0
Voltage or Current Whether to read voltage or current for AI channels. For AO channels, must be set to current. ch01.VorC AI, AO 120 1 C voltage: 0
current: 1
Voltage Range (mV) In milliVolts (mV), sets the voltage range that can be read by an AI channel. ch01.Vspan AI 104 1 HR min: 0
max: 12500
Zero Current Offset (μA) In microAmps(µA), the input current that results in the Input (Integer) and Scaled Input (Integer) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel, or the output current when Output (Scaled) is set to 0 for an AO channel. ch01.Czero AO, AI 112 1 HR min: 0
max: 10000
Zero Voltage Offset (mV) In milliVolts (mV), the input voltage that results in the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel. ch01.Vzero AI 96 1 HR min: 0
max: 10000

Command Registers (read/write, volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Output (Scaled) The analog value to output. Actual current output will depend on Scaling Mode, Zero Current Offset, and Current Range settings. ch01.analogOut AO 0 1 HR min: 0
max: 65535
Clear Counter Set to 'all' to immediately force the counter register to 0. Set to 'read' to cause the next read of the counter to be the number of edges counted since the last counter read. The 'Clear Counter' button in the web page will write 'all' to the register. ch01.clearCounter DI 72 1 C all: 1
read: 0
Counter Latch Internally set to 'latched' when the counter is incremented. Writing 'reset' will clear the latch. ch01.latch DI 136 1 C reset: 0
latched: 1
Output Switch Controls the output state for DO and SP channels. ch01.outputSwitch DO, SP 0 1 C open: 0
closed: 1

Channel 2

Data Registers (read only)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Input (Float) Analog input state as a floating point number. May represent voltage or current, depending on the Voltage or Current setting. ch02.floatState AI 34 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Input (Int) Analog input state as a 20-bit integer, unscaled. ch02.intState AI 2 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Scaled Input (Int) Analog input state as an integer, scaled to represent microAmps(µA) or milliVolts(mV) ch02.scaledIntState AI 2 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Circuitry Protection The status of circuitry protection on the channel. When this register reads on, an overload condition has been detected and the channel is temporarily disabled. DO, AI, SP 25 1 DI off: 0
on: 1
Pulse Counter The number of pulse edges seen on a DI channel. ch02.counter DI 66 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Input State The DI state of the channel. ch02.state DI 1 1 DI low: 0
high: 1
Approx Current The approximate number of milliAmps flowing through a DO channel set to high. ch02.current DO, SP 113 1 IR min: 0
max: 0

Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
I/O Mode Sets the I/O role for the channel. ch02.mode off, DO, DI, AO, AI, SP 17 1 HR AO: 3
DO: 1
DI: 2
off: 0
SP: 5
AI: 4
Enable Default Output Apply default DO/SP output on power up. Default is taken from defOutputSwitch register. WARNING - Changing this setting to 'off' may result in unpredictable behavior. ch02.defOutEnable DO, SP 25 1 C off: 0
on: 1
Clear Counter on Read Whether or not to clear the counter after each time it is read (Channel 1 only, does NOT work on this channel). ch02.clearOnRead DI 65 1 C off: 1
on: 0
Debounce Input Take multiple samples before deciding that an edge is real and not noise. Reduces max frequency of counting to 10 Hz. Only valid if counting speed is standard. ch02.debounce DI 153 1 C off: 0
on: 1
Edge to Count Whether to count rising or falling edges. ch02.edge DI 97 1 C rising: 0
falling: 1
Current Range (μA) The range of current that can be input or output for the channel. ch02.Cspan AO, AI 121 1 HR min: 0
max: 25000
Default Output Switch State The default state of the outputSwitch register when configured as DO or SP. ch02.defOutputSwitch DO, SP 49 1 C open: 0
closed: 1
Averaging Window Moving average duration for floating point and integer inputs, to reduce signal noise. ch02.filtering AI 41 1 HR 250s: 5
50s: 3
25s: 2
10s: 1
100s: 4
none: 0
Integer Type The integer type reported by the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers. ch02.intType AI 113 1 C unsigned: 0
signed: 1
Monostable Time (ms) The number of milliseconds after which a DO channel returns to its default state. Set to 0 for indefinite stability. ch02.monostableTime DO 81 1 HR min: 0
max: 60000
Resistor Pull Set to 'down' to connect a 10 kΩ pull-down resistor.
Set to 'up' to connect a 1 kΩ pull-up resistor.
Set to 'none' to disable both.
ch02.pull DO, DI, AO, AI 57 1 HR up: 2
down: 1
none: 0
Scaling Mode Change the scaling of of the Output (Scaled) register. ch02.scaling AO 73 1 HR 14bit: 14
12bit: 12
16bit: 16
muA: 0
Voltage or Current Whether to read voltage or current for AI channels. For AO channels, must be set to current. ch02.VorC AI, AO 121 1 C voltage: 0
current: 1
Voltage Range (mV) In milliVolts (mV), sets the voltage range that can be read by an AI channel. ch02.Vspan AI 105 1 HR min: 0
max: 12500
Zero Current Offset (μA) In microAmps(µA), the input current that results in the Input (Integer) and Scaled Input (Integer) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel, or the output current when Output (Scaled) is set to 0 for an AO channel. ch02.Czero AO, AI 113 1 HR min: 0
max: 10000
Zero Voltage Offset (mV) In milliVolts (mV), the input voltage that results in the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel. ch02.Vzero AI 97 1 HR min: 0
max: 10000

Command Registers (read/write, volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Output (Scaled) The analog value to output. Actual current output will depend on Scaling Mode, Zero Current Offset, and Current Range settings. ch02.analogOut AO 1 1 HR min: 0
max: 65535
Clear Counter Set to 'all' to immediately force the counter register to 0. Set to 'read' to cause the next read of the counter to be the number of edges counted since the last counter read. The 'Clear Counter' button in the web page will write 'all' to the register. ch02.clearCounter DI 73 1 C all: 1
read: 0
Counter Latch Internally set to 'latched' when the counter is incremented. Writing 'reset' will clear the latch. ch02.latch DI 137 1 C reset: 0
latched: 1
Output Switch Controls the output state for DO and SP channels. ch02.outputSwitch DO, SP 1 1 C open: 0
closed: 1

Channel 3

Data Registers (read only)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Input (Float) Analog input state as a floating point number. May represent voltage or current, depending on the Voltage or Current setting. ch03.floatState AI 36 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Input (Int) Analog input state as a 20-bit integer, unscaled. ch03.intState AI 4 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Scaled Input (Int) Analog input state as an integer, scaled to represent microAmps(µA) or milliVolts(mV) ch03.scaledIntState AI 4 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Circuitry Protection The status of circuitry protection on the channel. When this register reads on, an overload condition has been detected and the channel is temporarily disabled. DO, AI, SP 26 1 DI off: 0
on: 1
Pulse Counter The number of pulse edges seen on a DI channel. ch03.counter DI 68 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Input State The DI state of the channel. ch03.state DI 2 1 DI low: 0
high: 1
Approx Current The approximate number of milliAmps flowing through a DO channel set to high. ch03.current DO, SP 114 1 IR min: 0
max: 0

Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
I/O Mode Sets the I/O role for the channel. ch03.mode off, DO, DI, AO, AI, SP 18 1 HR AO: 3
DO: 1
DI: 2
off: 0
SP: 5
AI: 4
Enable Default Output Apply default DO/SP output on power up. Default is taken from defOutputSwitch register. WARNING - Changing this setting to 'off' may result in unpredictable behavior. ch03.defOutEnable DO, SP 26 1 C off: 0
on: 1
Clear Counter on Read Whether or not to clear the counter after each time it is read (Channel 1 only, does NOT work on this channel). ch03.clearOnRead DI 66 1 C off: 1
on: 0
Debounce Input Take multiple samples before deciding that an edge is real and not noise. Reduces max frequency of counting to 10 Hz. Only valid if counting speed is standard. ch03.debounce DI 154 1 C off: 0
on: 1
Edge to Count Whether to count rising or falling edges. ch03.edge DI 98 1 C rising: 0
falling: 1
Current Range (μA) The range of current that can be input or output for the channel. ch03.Cspan AO, AI 122 1 HR min: 0
max: 25000
Default Output Switch State The default state of the outputSwitch register when configured as DO or SP. ch03.defOutputSwitch DO, SP 50 1 C open: 0
closed: 1
Averaging Window Moving average duration for floating point and integer inputs, to reduce signal noise. ch03.filtering AI 42 1 HR 250s: 5
50s: 3
25s: 2
10s: 1
100s: 4
none: 0
Integer Type The integer type reported by the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers. ch03.intType AI 114 1 C unsigned: 0
signed: 1
Monostable Time (ms) The number of milliseconds after which a DO channel returns to its default state. Set to 0 for indefinite stability. ch03.monostableTime DO 82 1 HR min: 0
max: 60000
Resistor Pull Set to 'down' to connect a 10 kΩ pull-down resistor.
Set to 'up' to connect a 1 kΩ pull-up resistor.
Set to 'none' to disable both.
ch03.pull DO, DI, AO, AI 58 1 HR up: 2
down: 1
none: 0
Scaling Mode Change the scaling of of the Output (Scaled) register. ch03.scaling AO 74 1 HR 14bit: 14
12bit: 12
16bit: 16
muA: 0
Voltage or Current Whether to read voltage or current for AI channels. For AO channels, must be set to current. ch03.VorC AI, AO 122 1 C voltage: 0
current: 1
Voltage Range (mV) In milliVolts (mV), sets the voltage range that can be read by an AI channel. ch03.Vspan AI 106 1 HR min: 0
max: 12500
Zero Current Offset (μA) In microAmps(µA), the input current that results in the Input (Integer) and Scaled Input (Integer) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel, or the output current when Output (Scaled) is set to 0 for an AO channel. ch03.Czero AO, AI 114 1 HR min: 0
max: 10000
Zero Voltage Offset (mV) In milliVolts (mV), the input voltage that results in the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel. ch03.Vzero AI 98 1 HR min: 0
max: 10000

Command Registers (read/write, volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Output (Scaled) The analog value to output. Actual output will also depend on scaling, Czero, and Cspan registers. ch03.analogOut AO 2 1 HR min: 0
max: 65535
Clear Counter Set to 'all' to immediately force the counter register to 0. Set to 'read' to cause the next read of the counter to be the number of edges counted since the last counter read. The 'Clear Counter' button in the web page will write 'all' to the register. ch03.clearCounter DI 74 1 C all: 1
read: 0
Counter Latch Internally set to 'latched' when the counter is incremented. Writing 'reset' will clear the latch. ch03.latch DI 138 1 C reset: 0
latched: 1
Output Switch Controls the output state for DO and SP channels. ch03.outputSwitch DO, SP 2 1 C open: 0
closed: 1

Channel 4

Data Registers (read only)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Input (Float) Analog input state as a floating point number. May represent voltage or current, depending on the Voltage or Current setting. ch04.floatState AI 38 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Input (Int) Analog input state as a 20-bit integer, unscaled. ch04.intState AI 6 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Scaled Input (Int) Analog input state as an integer, scaled to represent microAmps(µA) or milliVolts(mV) ch04.scaledIntState AI 6 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Circuitry Protection The status of circuitry protection on the channel. When this register reads on, an overload condition has been detected and the channel is temporarily disabled. DO, AI, SP 27 1 DI off: 0
on: 1
Pulse Counter The number of pulse edges seen on a DI channel. ch04.counter DI 70 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Input State The DI state of the channel. ch04.state DI 3 1 DI low: 0
high: 1
Approx Current The approximate number of milliAmps flowing through a DO channel set to high. ch04.current DO, SP 115 1 IR min: 0
max: 0

Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
I/O Mode Sets the I/O role for the channel. ch04.mode off, DO, DI, AO, AI, SP 19 1 HR AO: 3
DO: 1
DI: 2
off: 0
SP: 5
AI: 4
Enable Default Output Apply default DO/SP output on power up. Default is taken from defOutputSwitch register. WARNING - Changing this setting to 'off' may result in unpredictable behavior. ch04.defOutEnable DO, SP 27 1 C off: 0
on: 1
Clear Counter on Read Whether or not to clear the counter after each time it is read (Channel 1 only, does NOT work on this channel). ch04.clearOnRead DI 67 1 C off: 1
on: 0
Debounce Input Take multiple samples before deciding that an edge is real and not noise. Reduces max frequency of counting to 10 Hz. Only valid if counting speed is standard. ch04.debounce DI 155 1 C off: 0
on: 1
Edge to Count Whether to count rising or falling edges. ch04.edge DI 99 1 C rising: 0
falling: 1
Current Range (μA) The range of current that can be input or output for the channel. ch04.Cspan AO, AI 123 1 HR min: 0
max: 25000
Default Output Switch State The default state of the outputSwitch register when configured as DO or SP. ch04.defOutputSwitch DO, SP 51 1 C open: 0
closed: 1
Averaging Window Moving average duration for floating point and integer inputs, to reduce signal noise. ch04.filtering AI 43 1 HR 250s: 5
50s: 3
25s: 2
10s: 1
100s: 4
none: 0
Integer Type The integer type reported by the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers. ch04.intType AI 115 1 C unsigned: 0
signed: 1
Monostable Time (ms) The number of milliseconds after which a DO channel returns to its default state. Set to 0 for indefinite stability. ch04.monostableTime DO 83 1 HR min: 0
max: 60000
Resistor Pull Set to 'down' to connect a 10 kΩ pull-down resistor.
Set to 'up' to connect a 1 kΩ pull-up resistor.
Set to 'none' to disable both.
ch04.pull DO, DI, AO, AI 59 1 HR up: 2
down: 1
none: 0
Scaling Mode Change the scaling of of the Output (Scaled) register. ch04.scaling AO 75 1 HR 14bit: 14
12bit: 12
16bit: 16
muA: 0
Voltage or Current Whether to read voltage or current for AI channels. For AO channels, must be set to current. ch04.VorC AI, AO 123 1 C voltage: 0
current: 1
Voltage Range (mV) In milliVolts (mV), sets the voltage range that can be read by an AI channel. ch04.Vspan AI 107 1 HR min: 0
max: 12500
Zero Current Offset (μA) In microAmps(µA), the input current that results in the Input (Integer) and Scaled Input (Integer) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel, or the output current when Output (Scaled) is set to 0 for an AO channel. ch04.Czero AO, AI 115 1 HR min: 0
max: 10000
Zero Voltage Offset (mV) In milliVolts (mV), the input voltage that results in the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel. ch04.Vzero AI 99 1 HR min: 0
max: 10000

Command Registers (read/write, volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Output (Scaled) The analog value to output. Actual output will also depend on scaling, Czero, and Cspan registers. ch04.analogOut AO 3 1 HR min: 0
max: 65535
Clear Counter Set to 'all' to immediately force the counter register to 0. Set to 'read' to cause the next read of the counter to be the number of edges counted since the last counter read. The 'Clear Counter' button in the web page will write 'all' to the register. ch04.clearCounter DI 75 1 C all: 1
read: 0
Counter Latch Internally set to 'latched' when the counter is incremented. Writing 'reset' will clear the latch. ch04.latch DI 139 1 C reset: 0
latched: 1
Output Switch Controls the output state for DO and SP channels. ch04.outputSwitch DO, SP 3 1 C open: 0
closed: 1

Channel 5

Data Registers (read only)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Input (Float) Analog input state as a floating point number. May represent voltage or current, depending on the Voltage or Current setting. ch05.floatState AI 40 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Input (Int) Analog input state as a 20-bit integer, unscaled. ch05.intState AI 8 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Scaled Input (Int) Analog input state as an integer, scaled to represent microAmps(µA) or milliVolts(mV) ch05.scaledIntState AI 8 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Circuitry Protection The status of circuitry protection on the channel. When this register reads on, an overload condition has been detected and the channel is temporarily disabled. AI 28 1 DI off: 0
on: 1
Pulse Counter The number of pulse edges seen on a DI channel. ch05.counter DI 72 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Input State The DI state of the channel. ch05.state DI 4 1 DI low: 0
high: 1

Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
I/O Mode Sets the I/O role for the channel. ch05.mode off, DI, AI 20 1 HR DI: 2
off: 0
AI: 4
Clear Counter on Read Whether or not to clear the counter after each time it is read (Channel 1 only, does NOT work on this channel). ch05.clearOnRead DI 68 1 C off: 1
on: 0
Debounce Input Take multiple samples before deciding that an edge is real and not noise. Reduces max frequency of counting to 10 Hz. Only valid if counting speed is standard. ch05.debounce DI 156 1 C off: 0
on: 1
Edge to Count Whether to count rising or falling edges. ch05.edge DI 100 1 C rising: 0
falling: 1
Counting Speed DI counting speed (10 kHz / 100 Hz). For channel pairs (5, 9), (6, 10), (7, 11), and (8, 12), only one from each pair may use high speed at a time. ch05.speed DI 92 1 C standard: 1
fast: 0
Current Range (μA) The range of current that can be input or output for the channel. ch05.Cspan AI 124 1 HR min: 0
max: 25000
Averaging Window Moving average duration for floating point and integer inputs, to reduce signal noise. ch05.filtering AI 44 1 HR 250s: 5
50s: 3
25s: 2
10s: 1
100s: 4
none: 0
Integer Type The integer type reported by the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers. ch05.intType AI 116 1 C unsigned: 0
signed: 1
Resistor Pull Set to 'down' to connect a 10 kΩ pull-down resistor.
Set to 'up' to connect a 1 kΩ pull-up resistor.
Set to 'none' to disable both.
ch05.pull DI, AI 60 1 HR up: 2
down: 1
none: 0
Voltage or Current Whether to read voltage or current for AI channels. For AO channels, must be set to current. ch05.VorC AI, AO 124 1 C voltage: 0
current: 1
Voltage Range (mV) In milliVolts (mV), sets the voltage range that can be read by an AI channel. ch05.Vspan AI 108 1 HR min: 0
max: 12500
Zero Current Offset (μA) In microAmps(µA), the input current that results in the Input (Integer) and Scaled Input (Integer) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel, or the output current when Output (Scaled) is set to 0 for an AO channel. ch05.Czero AI 116 1 HR min: 0
max: 10000
Zero Voltage Offset (mV) In milliVolts (mV), the input voltage that results in the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel. ch05.Vzero AI 100 1 HR min: 0
max: 10000

Command Registers (read/write, volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Clear Counter Set to 'all' to immediately force the counter register to 0. Set to 'read' to cause the next read of the counter to be the number of edges counted since the last counter read. The 'Clear Counter' button in the web page will write 'all' to the register. ch05.clearCounter DI 76 1 C all: 1
read: 0
Counter Latch Internally set to 'latched' when the counter is incremented. Writing 'reset' will clear the latch. ch05.latch DI 140 1 C reset: 0
latched: 1

Channel 6

Data Registers (read only)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Input (Float) Analog input state as a floating point number. May represent voltage or current, depending on the Voltage or Current setting. ch06.floatState AI 42 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Input (Int) Analog input state as a 20-bit integer, unscaled. ch06.intState AI 10 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Scaled Input (Int) Analog input state as an integer, scaled to represent microAmps(µA) or milliVolts(mV) ch06.scaledIntState AI 10 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Circuitry Protection The status of circuitry protection on the channel. When this register reads on, an overload condition has been detected and the channel is temporarily disabled. AI 29 1 DI off: 0
on: 1
Pulse Counter The number of pulse edges seen on a DI channel. ch06.counter DI 74 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Input State The DI state of the channel. ch06.state DI 5 1 DI low: 0
high: 1

Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
I/O Mode Sets the I/O role for the channel. ch06.mode off, DI, AI 21 1 HR DI: 2
off: 0
AI: 4
Clear Counter on Read Whether or not to clear the counter after each time it is read (Channel 1 only, does NOT work on this channel). ch06.clearOnRead DI 69 1 C off: 1
on: 0
Debounce Input Take multiple samples before deciding that an edge is real and not noise. Reduces max frequency of counting to 10 Hz. Only valid if counting speed is standard. ch06.debounce DI 157 1 C off: 0
on: 1
Edge to Count Whether to count rising or falling edges. ch06.edge DI 101 1 C rising: 0
falling: 1
Counting Speed DI counting speed (10 kHz / 100 Hz). For channel pairs (5, 9), (6, 10), (7, 11), and (8, 12), only one from each pair may use high speed at a time. ch06.speed DI 93 1 C standard: 1
fast: 0
Current Range (μA) The range of current that can be input or output for the channel. ch06.Cspan AI 125 1 HR min: 0
max: 25000
Averaging Window Moving average duration for floating point and integer inputs, to reduce signal noise. ch06.filtering AI 45 1 HR 250s: 5
50s: 3
25s: 2
10s: 1
100s: 4
none: 0
Integer Type The integer type reported by the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers. ch06.intType AI 117 1 C unsigned: 0
signed: 1
Resistor Pull Set to 'down' to connect a 10 kΩ pull-down resistor.
Set to 'up' to connect a 1 kΩ pull-up resistor.
Set to 'none' to disable both.
ch06.pull DI, AI 61 1 HR up: 2
down: 1
none: 0
Voltage or Current Whether to read voltage or current for AI channels. For AO channels, must be set to current. ch06.VorC AI, AO 125 1 C voltage: 0
current: 1
Voltage Range (mV) In milliVolts (mV), sets the voltage range that can be read by an AI channel. ch06.Vspan AI 109 1 HR min: 0
max: 12500
Zero Current Offset (μA) In microAmps(µA), the input current that results in the Input (Integer) and Scaled Input (Integer) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel, or the output current when Output (Scaled) is set to 0 for an AO channel. ch06.Czero AI 117 1 HR min: 0
max: 10000
Zero Voltage Offset (mV) In milliVolts (mV), the input voltage that results in the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel. ch06.Vzero AI 101 1 HR min: 0
max: 10000

Command Registers (read/write, volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Clear Counter Set to 'all' to immediately force the counter register to 0. Set to 'read' to cause the next read of the counter to be the number of edges counted since the last counter read. The 'Clear Counter' button in the web page will write 'all' to the register. ch06.clearCounter DI 77 1 C all: 1
read: 0
Counter Latch Internally set to 'latched' when the counter is incremented. Writing 'reset' will clear the latch. ch06.latch DI 141 1 C reset: 0
latched: 1

Channel 7

Data Registers (read only)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Input (Float) Analog input state as a floating point number. May represent voltage or current, depending on the Voltage or Current setting. ch07.floatState AI 44 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Input (Int) Analog input state as a 20-bit integer, unscaled. ch07.intState AI 12 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Scaled Input (Int) Analog input state as an integer, scaled to represent microAmps(µA) or milliVolts(mV) ch07.scaledIntState AI 12 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Circuitry Protection The status of circuitry protection on the channel. When this register reads on, an overload condition has been detected and the channel is temporarily disabled. AI 30 1 DI off: 0
on: 1
Pulse Counter The number of pulse edges seen on a DI channel. ch07.counter DI 76 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Input State The DI state of the channel. ch07.state DI 6 1 DI low: 0
high: 1

Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
I/O Mode Sets the I/O role for the channel. ch07.mode off, DI, AI 22 1 HR DI: 2
off: 0
AI: 4
Clear Counter on Read Whether or not to clear the counter after each time it is read (Channel 1 only, does NOT work on this channel). ch07.clearOnRead DI 70 1 C off: 1
on: 0
Debounce Input Take multiple samples before deciding that an edge is real and not noise. Reduces max frequency of counting to 10 Hz. Only valid if counting speed is standard. ch07.debounce DI 158 1 C off: 0
on: 1
Edge to Count Whether to count rising or falling edges. ch07.edge DI 102 1 C rising: 0
falling: 1
Counting Speed DI counting speed (10 kHz / 100 Hz). For channel pairs (5, 9), (6, 10), (7, 11), and (8, 12), only one from each pair may use high speed at a time. ch07.speed DI 94 1 C standard: 1
fast: 0
Current Range (μA) The range of current that can be input or output for the channel. ch07.Cspan AI 126 1 HR min: 0
max: 25000
Averaging Window Moving average duration for floating point and integer inputs, to reduce signal noise. ch07.filtering AI 46 1 HR 250s: 5
50s: 3
25s: 2
10s: 1
100s: 4
none: 0
Integer Type The integer type reported by the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers. ch07.intType AI 118 1 C unsigned: 0
signed: 1
Resistor Pull Set to 'down' to connect a 10 kΩ pull-down resistor.
Set to 'up' to connect a 1 kΩ pull-up resistor.
Set to 'none' to disable both.
ch07.pull DI, AI 62 1 HR up: 2
down: 1
none: 0
Voltage or Current Whether to read voltage or current for AI channels. For AO channels, must be set to current. ch07.VorC AI, AO 126 1 C voltage: 0
current: 1
Voltage Range (mV) In milliVolts (mV), sets the voltage range that can be read by an AI channel. ch07.Vspan AI 110 1 HR min: 0
max: 12500
Zero Current Offset (μA) In microAmps(µA), the input current that results in the Input (Integer) and Scaled Input (Integer) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel, or the output current when Output (Scaled) is set to 0 for an AO channel. ch07.Czero AI 118 1 HR min: 0
max: 10000
Zero Voltage Offset (mV) In milliVolts (mV), the input voltage that results in the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel. ch07.Vzero AI 102 1 HR min: 0
max: 10000

Command Registers (read/write, volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Clear Counter Set to 'all' to immediately force the counter register to 0. Set to 'read' to cause the next read of the counter to be the number of edges counted since the last counter read. The 'Clear Counter' button in the web page will write 'all' to the register. ch07.clearCounter DI 78 1 C all: 1
read: 0
Counter Latch Internally set to 'latched' when the counter is incremented. Writing 'reset' will clear the latch. ch07.latch DI 142 1 C reset: 0
latched: 1

Channel 8

Data Registers (read only)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Input (Float) Analog input state as a floating point number. May represent voltage or current, depending on the Voltage or Current setting. ch08.floatState AI 46 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Input (Int) Analog input state as a 20-bit integer, unscaled. ch08.intState AI 14 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Scaled Input (Int) Analog input state as an integer, scaled to represent microAmps(µA) or milliVolts(mV) ch08.scaledIntState AI 14 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Circuitry Protection The status of circuitry protection on the channel. When this register reads on, an overload condition has been detected and the channel is temporarily disabled. AI 31 1 DI off: 0
on: 1
Pulse Counter The number of pulse edges seen on a DI channel. ch08.counter DI 78 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Input State The DI state of the channel. ch08.state DI 7 1 DI low: 0
high: 1

Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
I/O Mode Sets the I/O role for the channel. ch08.mode off, DI, AI 23 1 HR DI: 2
off: 0
AI: 4
Clear Counter on Read Whether or not to clear the counter after each time it is read (Channel 1 only, does NOT work on this channel). ch08.clearOnRead DI 71 1 C off: 1
on: 0
Debounce Input Take multiple samples before deciding that an edge is real and not noise. Reduces max frequency of counting to 10 Hz. Only valid if counting speed is standard. ch08.debounce DI 159 1 C off: 0
on: 1
Edge to Count Whether to count rising or falling edges. ch08.edge DI 103 1 C rising: 0
falling: 1
Counting Speed DI counting speed (10 kHz / 100 Hz). For channel pairs (5, 9), (6, 10), (7, 11), and (8, 12), only one from each pair may use high speed at a time. ch08.speed DI 95 1 C standard: 1
fast: 0
Current Range (μA) The range of current that can be input or output for the channel. ch08.Cspan AI 127 1 HR min: 0
max: 25000
Averaging Window Moving average duration for floating point and integer inputs, to reduce signal noise. ch08.filtering AI 47 1 HR 250s: 5
50s: 3
25s: 2
10s: 1
100s: 4
none: 0
Integer Type The integer type reported by the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers. ch08.intType AI 119 1 C unsigned: 0
signed: 1
Resistor Pull Set to 'down' to connect a 10 kΩ pull-down resistor.
Set to 'up' to connect a 1 kΩ pull-up resistor.
Set to 'none' to disable both.
ch08.pull DI, AI 63 1 HR up: 2
down: 1
none: 0
Voltage or Current Whether to read voltage or current for AI channels. For AO channels, must be set to current. ch08.VorC AI, AO 127 1 C voltage: 0
current: 1
Voltage Range (mV) In milliVolts (mV), sets the voltage range that can be read by an AI channel. ch08.Vspan AI 111 1 HR min: 0
max: 12500
Zero Current Offset (μA) In microAmps(µA), the input current that results in the Input (Integer) and Scaled Input (Integer) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel, or the output current when Output (Scaled) is set to 0 for an AO channel. ch08.Czero AI 119 1 HR min: 0
max: 10000
Zero Voltage Offset (mV) In milliVolts (mV), the input voltage that results in the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel. ch08.Vzero AI 103 1 HR min: 0
max: 10000

Command Registers (read/write, volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Clear Counter Set to 'all' to immediately force the counter register to 0. Set to 'read' to cause the next read of the counter to be the number of edges counted since the last counter read. The 'Clear Counter' button in the web page will write 'all' to the register. ch08.clearCounter DI 79 1 C all: 1
read: 0
Counter Latch Internally set to 'latched' when the counter is incremented. Writing 'reset' will clear the latch. ch08.latch DI 143 1 C reset: 0
latched: 1

Channel 9 (DI ONLY)

Data Registers (read only)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Pulse Counter The number of pulse edges seen on a DI channel. ch09.counter DI 80 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Input State The DI state of the channel. ch09.state DI 8 1 DI low: 0
high: 1

Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
I/O Mode Sets the I/O role for the channel. ch09.mode off, DI 24 1 HR DI: 2
off: 0
Debounce Input Take multiple samples before deciding that an edge is real and not noise. Reduces max frequency of counting to 10 Hz. Only valid if counting speed is standard. ch09.debounce DI 160 1 C off: 0
on: 1
Edge to Count Whether to count rising or falling edges. ch09.edge DI 104 1 C rising: 0
falling: 1
Counting Speed DI counting speed (10 kHz / 100 Hz). For channel pairs (5, 9), (6, 10), (7, 11), and (8, 12), only one from each pair may use high speed at a time. ch09.speed DI 92 1 C standard: 0
fast: 1

Command Registers (read/write, volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Clear Counter Set to 'all' to immediately force the counter register to 0. Set to 'read' to cause the next read of the counter to be the number of edges counted since the last counter read. The 'Clear Counter' button in the web page will write 'all' to the register. ch09.clearCounter DI 80 1 C all: 1
read: 0
Counter Latch Internally set to 'latched' when the counter is incremented. Writing 'reset' will clear the latch. ch09.latch DI 144 1 C reset: 0
latched: 1

Channel 10 DI ONLY)

Data Registers (read only)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Pulse Counter The number of pulse edges seen on a DI channel. ch10.counter DI 82 2 IR min: 0
max: 0
Input State The DI state of the channel. ch10.state DI 9 1 DI low: 0
high: 1

Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
I/O Mode Sets the I/O role for the channel. ch10.mode off, DI 25 1 HR DI: 2
off: 0
Debounce Input Take multiple samples before deciding that an edge is real and not noise. Reduces max frequency of counting to 10 Hz. Only valid if counting speed is standard. ch10.debounce DI 161 1 C off: 0
on: 1
Edge to Count Whether to count rising or falling edges. ch10.edge DI 105 1 C rising: 0
falling: 1
Counting Speed DI counting speed (10 kHz / 100 Hz). For channel pairs (5, 9), (6, 10), (7, 11), and (8, 12), only one from each pair may use high speed at a time. ch10.speed DI 93 1 C standard: 0
fast: 1

Command Registers (read/write, volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Clear Counter Set to 'all' to immediately force the counter register to 0. Set to 'read' to cause the next read of the counter to be the number of edges counted since the last counter read. The 'Clear Counter' button in the web page will write 'all' to the register. ch10.clearCounter DI 81 1 C all: 1
read: 0
Counter Latch Internally set to 'latched' when the counter is incremented. Writing 'reset' will clear the latch. ch10.latch DI 145 1 C reset: 0
latched: 1

Channel 11 (DO ONLY)

Data Registers (read only)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Circuitry Protection The status of circuitry protection on the channel. When this register reads on, an overload condition has been detected and the channel is temporarily disabled. DO 34 1 DI off: 0
on: 1
Approx Current The approximate number of milliAmps flowing through a DO channel set to high. ch11.current DO 118 1 IR min: 0
max: 0

Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
I/O Mode Sets the I/O role for the channel. ch11.mode off, DO 26 1 HR off: 0
DO: 1
Enable Default Output Apply default DO/SP output on power up. Default is taken from defOutputSwitch register. WARNING - Changing this setting to 'off' may result in unpredictable behavior. ch11.defOutEnable DO 34 1 C off: 0
on: 1
Default Output Switch State The default state of the outputSwitch register when configured as DO or SP. ch11.defOutputSwitch DO 58 1 C open: 0
closed: 1
Monostable Time (ms) The number of milliseconds after which a DO channel returns to its default state. Set to 0 for indefinite stability. ch11.monostableTime DO 90 1 HR min: 0
max: 60000

Command Registers (read/write, volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Output Switch Controls the output state for DO and SP channels. ch11.outputSwitch DO 10 1 C open: 0
closed: 1

Channel 12 (DO ONLY)

Data Registers (read only)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Circuitry Protection The status of circuitry protection on the channel. When this register reads on, an overload condition has been detected and the channel is temporarily disabled. DO 35 1 DI off: 0
on: 1
Approx Current The approximate number of milliAmps flowing through a DO channel set to high. ch12.current DO 119 1 IR min: 0
max: 0

Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
I/O Mode Sets the I/O role for the channel. ch12.mode off, DO 27 1 HR off: 0
DO: 1
Enable Default Output Apply default DO/SP output on power up. Default is taken from defOutputSwitch register. WARNING - Changing this setting to 'off' may result in unpredictable behavior. ch12.defOutEnable DO 35 1 C off: 0
on: 1
Default Output Switch State The default state of the outputSwitch register when configured as DO or SP. ch12.defOutputSwitch DO 59 1 C open: 0
closed: 1
Monostable Time (ms) The number of milliseconds after which a DO channel returns to its default state. Set to 0 for indefinite stability. ch12.monostableTime DO 91 1 HR min: 0
max: 60000

Command Registers (read/write, volatile)

Title Description API Key Applicable Modes Address Register Count Register Type Options / Range
Output Switch Controls the output state for DO and SP channels. ch12.outputSwitch DO 11 1 C open: 0
closed: 1

Device Registers

Data Registers (read only)

Title Description API Key Address Register Count Register Type
Device Temperature The temperature of the IOEX module's circuit board, in Celsius. device.temperature 152 1 IR
Supply Voltage The supply voltage given to the IOEX module, in millivolts. This voltage will be output on an SP channel when outputSwitch=closed device.supplyVoltage 153 1 IR