Channel 1
Data Registers (read only)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Input (Float) | Analog input state as a floating point number. May represent voltage or current, depending on the Voltage or Current setting. | ch01.floatState | AI | 32 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Input (Int) | Analog input state as a 20-bit integer, unscaled. | ch01.intState | AI | 0 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Scaled Input (Int) | Analog input state as an integer, scaled to represent microAmps(μA) or milliVolts(mV) | ch01.scaledIntState | AI | 0 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Circuitry Protection | The status of circuitry protection on the channel. When this register reads on, an overload condition has been detected and the channel is temporarily disabled. | | DO, AI, SP | 24 | 1 | DI |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Pulse Counter | The number of pulse edges seen on a DI channel. | ch01.counter | DI | 64 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Input State | The DI state of the channel. | ch01.state | DI | 0 | 1 | DI |
low: 0 high: 1 |
Approx Current | The approximate number of milliAmps flowing through a DO channel set to high. | ch01.current | DO, SP | 112 | 1 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
I/O Mode | Sets the I/O role for the channel. One of:
ch01.mode | off, DO, DI, AO, AI, SP | 16 | 1 | HR |
off: 0 DO: 1 DI: 2 AO: 3 AI: 4 SP: 5 |
Enable Default Output | Apply default DO/SP output on power up. Default is taken from defOutputSwitch register. WARNING - Changing this setting to 'off' may result in unpredictable behavior. | ch01.defOutEnable | DO, SP | 24 | 1 | C |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Clear Counter on Read | Whether or not to clear the counter after each time it is read (Channel 1 only). | ch01.clearOnRead | DI | 64 | 1 | C |
off: 1 on: 0 |
Debounce Input | Take multiple samples before deciding that an edge is real and not noise. Reduces max frequency of counting to 10 Hz. Only valid if counting speed is standard. | ch01.debounce | DI | 152 | 1 | C |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Edge to Count | Whether to count rising or falling edges. | ch01.edge | DI | 96 | 1 | C |
rising: 0 falling: 1 |
Current Range (μA) | The range of current that can be input or output for the channel. | ch01.Cspan | AO, AI | 120 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 25000 |
Default Output Switch State | The default state of the outputSwitch register when configured as DO or SP. | ch01.defOutputSwitch | DO, SP | 48 | 1 | C |
open: 0 closed: 1 |
Averaging Window | Moving average duration for floating point and integer inputs, to reduce signal noise. | ch01.filtering | AI | 40 | 1 | HR |
250s: 5 50s: 3 25s: 2 10s: 1 100s: 4 none: 0 |
Integer Type | The integer type reported by the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers. | ch01.intType | AI | 112 | 1 | C |
unsigned: 0 signed: 1 |
Monostable Time (ms) | The number of milliseconds after which a DO channel returns to its default state. Set to 0 for indefinite stability. | ch01.monostableTime | DO | 80 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 60000 |
Resistor Pull | Set to 'down' to connect a 10 kΩ pull-down resistor. Set to 'up' to connect a 1 kΩ pull-up resistor. Set to 'none' to disable both. |
ch01.pull | DO, DI, AO, AI | 56 | 1 | HR |
up: 2 down: 1 none: 0 |
Scaling Mode | Change the scaling of of the Output (Scaled) register. | ch01.scaling | AO | 72 | 1 | HR |
14bit: 14 12bit: 12 16bit: 16 muA: 0 |
Voltage or Current | Whether to read voltage or current for AI channels. For AO channels, must be set to current. | ch01.VorC | AI, AO | 120 | 1 | C |
voltage: 0 current: 1 |
Voltage Range (mV) | In milliVolts (mV), sets the voltage range that can be read by an AI channel. | ch01.Vspan | AI | 104 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 12500 |
Zero Current Offset (μA) | In microAmps(µA), the input current that results in the Input (Integer) and Scaled Input (Integer) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel, or the output current when Output (Scaled) is set to 0 for an AO channel. | ch01.Czero | AO, AI | 112 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 10000 |
Zero Voltage Offset (mV) | In milliVolts (mV), the input voltage that results in the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel. | ch01.Vzero | AI | 96 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 10000 |
Command Registers (read/write, volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Output (Scaled) | The analog value to output. Actual current output will depend on Scaling Mode, Zero Current Offset, and Current Range settings. | ch01.analogOut | AO | 0 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 65535 |
Clear Counter | Set to 'all' to immediately force the counter register to 0. Set to 'read' to cause the next read of the counter to be the number of edges counted since the last counter read. The 'Clear Counter' button in the web page will write 'all' to the register. | ch01.clearCounter | DI | 72 | 1 | C |
all: 1 read: 0 |
Counter Latch | Internally set to 'latched' when the counter is incremented. Writing 'reset' will clear the latch. | ch01.latch | DI | 136 | 1 | C |
reset: 0 latched: 1 |
Output Switch | Controls the output state for DO and SP channels. | ch01.outputSwitch | DO, SP | 0 | 1 | C |
open: 0 closed: 1 |
Channel 2
Data Registers (read only)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Input (Float) | Analog input state as a floating point number. May represent voltage or current, depending on the Voltage or Current setting. | ch02.floatState | AI | 34 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Input (Int) | Analog input state as a 20-bit integer, unscaled. | ch02.intState | AI | 2 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Scaled Input (Int) | Analog input state as an integer, scaled to represent microAmps(µA) or milliVolts(mV) | ch02.scaledIntState | AI | 2 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Circuitry Protection | The status of circuitry protection on the channel. When this register reads on, an overload condition has been detected and the channel is temporarily disabled. | | DO, AI, SP | 25 | 1 | DI |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Pulse Counter | The number of pulse edges seen on a DI channel. | ch02.counter | DI | 66 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Input State | The DI state of the channel. | ch02.state | DI | 1 | 1 | DI |
low: 0 high: 1 |
Approx Current | The approximate number of milliAmps flowing through a DO channel set to high. | ch02.current | DO, SP | 113 | 1 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
I/O Mode | Sets the I/O role for the channel. | ch02.mode | off, DO, DI, AO, AI, SP | 17 | 1 | HR |
AO: 3 DO: 1 DI: 2 off: 0 SP: 5 AI: 4 |
Enable Default Output | Apply default DO/SP output on power up. Default is taken from defOutputSwitch register. WARNING - Changing this setting to 'off' may result in unpredictable behavior. | ch02.defOutEnable | DO, SP | 25 | 1 | C |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Clear Counter on Read | Whether or not to clear the counter after each time it is read (Channel 1 only, does NOT work on this channel). | ch02.clearOnRead | DI | 65 | 1 | C |
off: 1 on: 0 |
Debounce Input | Take multiple samples before deciding that an edge is real and not noise. Reduces max frequency of counting to 10 Hz. Only valid if counting speed is standard. | ch02.debounce | DI | 153 | 1 | C |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Edge to Count | Whether to count rising or falling edges. | ch02.edge | DI | 97 | 1 | C |
rising: 0 falling: 1 |
Current Range (μA) | The range of current that can be input or output for the channel. | ch02.Cspan | AO, AI | 121 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 25000 |
Default Output Switch State | The default state of the outputSwitch register when configured as DO or SP. | ch02.defOutputSwitch | DO, SP | 49 | 1 | C |
open: 0 closed: 1 |
Averaging Window | Moving average duration for floating point and integer inputs, to reduce signal noise. | ch02.filtering | AI | 41 | 1 | HR |
250s: 5 50s: 3 25s: 2 10s: 1 100s: 4 none: 0 |
Integer Type | The integer type reported by the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers. | ch02.intType | AI | 113 | 1 | C |
unsigned: 0 signed: 1 |
Monostable Time (ms) | The number of milliseconds after which a DO channel returns to its default state. Set to 0 for indefinite stability. | ch02.monostableTime | DO | 81 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 60000 |
Resistor Pull | Set to 'down' to connect a 10 kΩ pull-down resistor. Set to 'up' to connect a 1 kΩ pull-up resistor. Set to 'none' to disable both. |
ch02.pull | DO, DI, AO, AI | 57 | 1 | HR |
up: 2 down: 1 none: 0 |
Scaling Mode | Change the scaling of of the Output (Scaled) register. | ch02.scaling | AO | 73 | 1 | HR |
14bit: 14 12bit: 12 16bit: 16 muA: 0 |
Voltage or Current | Whether to read voltage or current for AI channels. For AO channels, must be set to current. | ch02.VorC | AI, AO | 121 | 1 | C |
voltage: 0 current: 1 |
Voltage Range (mV) | In milliVolts (mV), sets the voltage range that can be read by an AI channel. | ch02.Vspan | AI | 105 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 12500 |
Zero Current Offset (μA) | In microAmps(µA), the input current that results in the Input (Integer) and Scaled Input (Integer) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel, or the output current when Output (Scaled) is set to 0 for an AO channel. | ch02.Czero | AO, AI | 113 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 10000 |
Zero Voltage Offset (mV) | In milliVolts (mV), the input voltage that results in the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel. | ch02.Vzero | AI | 97 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 10000 |
Command Registers (read/write, volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Output (Scaled) | The analog value to output. Actual current output will depend on Scaling Mode, Zero Current Offset, and Current Range settings. | ch02.analogOut | AO | 1 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 65535 |
Clear Counter | Set to 'all' to immediately force the counter register to 0. Set to 'read' to cause the next read of the counter to be the number of edges counted since the last counter read. The 'Clear Counter' button in the web page will write 'all' to the register. | ch02.clearCounter | DI | 73 | 1 | C |
all: 1 read: 0 |
Counter Latch | Internally set to 'latched' when the counter is incremented. Writing 'reset' will clear the latch. | ch02.latch | DI | 137 | 1 | C |
reset: 0 latched: 1 |
Output Switch | Controls the output state for DO and SP channels. | ch02.outputSwitch | DO, SP | 1 | 1 | C |
open: 0 closed: 1 |
Channel 3
Data Registers (read only)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Input (Float) | Analog input state as a floating point number. May represent voltage or current, depending on the Voltage or Current setting. | ch03.floatState | AI | 36 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Input (Int) | Analog input state as a 20-bit integer, unscaled. | ch03.intState | AI | 4 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Scaled Input (Int) | Analog input state as an integer, scaled to represent microAmps(µA) or milliVolts(mV) | ch03.scaledIntState | AI | 4 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Circuitry Protection | The status of circuitry protection on the channel. When this register reads on, an overload condition has been detected and the channel is temporarily disabled. | | DO, AI, SP | 26 | 1 | DI |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Pulse Counter | The number of pulse edges seen on a DI channel. | ch03.counter | DI | 68 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Input State | The DI state of the channel. | ch03.state | DI | 2 | 1 | DI |
low: 0 high: 1 |
Approx Current | The approximate number of milliAmps flowing through a DO channel set to high. | ch03.current | DO, SP | 114 | 1 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
I/O Mode | Sets the I/O role for the channel. | ch03.mode | off, DO, DI, AO, AI, SP | 18 | 1 | HR |
AO: 3 DO: 1 DI: 2 off: 0 SP: 5 AI: 4 |
Enable Default Output | Apply default DO/SP output on power up. Default is taken from defOutputSwitch register. WARNING - Changing this setting to 'off' may result in unpredictable behavior. | ch03.defOutEnable | DO, SP | 26 | 1 | C |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Clear Counter on Read | Whether or not to clear the counter after each time it is read (Channel 1 only, does NOT work on this channel). | ch03.clearOnRead | DI | 66 | 1 | C |
off: 1 on: 0 |
Debounce Input | Take multiple samples before deciding that an edge is real and not noise. Reduces max frequency of counting to 10 Hz. Only valid if counting speed is standard. | ch03.debounce | DI | 154 | 1 | C |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Edge to Count | Whether to count rising or falling edges. | ch03.edge | DI | 98 | 1 | C |
rising: 0 falling: 1 |
Current Range (μA) | The range of current that can be input or output for the channel. | ch03.Cspan | AO, AI | 122 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 25000 |
Default Output Switch State | The default state of the outputSwitch register when configured as DO or SP. | ch03.defOutputSwitch | DO, SP | 50 | 1 | C |
open: 0 closed: 1 |
Averaging Window | Moving average duration for floating point and integer inputs, to reduce signal noise. | ch03.filtering | AI | 42 | 1 | HR |
250s: 5 50s: 3 25s: 2 10s: 1 100s: 4 none: 0 |
Integer Type | The integer type reported by the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers. | ch03.intType | AI | 114 | 1 | C |
unsigned: 0 signed: 1 |
Monostable Time (ms) | The number of milliseconds after which a DO channel returns to its default state. Set to 0 for indefinite stability. | ch03.monostableTime | DO | 82 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 60000 |
Resistor Pull | Set to 'down' to connect a 10 kΩ pull-down resistor. Set to 'up' to connect a 1 kΩ pull-up resistor. Set to 'none' to disable both. |
ch03.pull | DO, DI, AO, AI | 58 | 1 | HR |
up: 2 down: 1 none: 0 |
Scaling Mode | Change the scaling of of the Output (Scaled) register. | ch03.scaling | AO | 74 | 1 | HR |
14bit: 14 12bit: 12 16bit: 16 muA: 0 |
Voltage or Current | Whether to read voltage or current for AI channels. For AO channels, must be set to current. | ch03.VorC | AI, AO | 122 | 1 | C |
voltage: 0 current: 1 |
Voltage Range (mV) | In milliVolts (mV), sets the voltage range that can be read by an AI channel. | ch03.Vspan | AI | 106 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 12500 |
Zero Current Offset (μA) | In microAmps(µA), the input current that results in the Input (Integer) and Scaled Input (Integer) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel, or the output current when Output (Scaled) is set to 0 for an AO channel. | ch03.Czero | AO, AI | 114 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 10000 |
Zero Voltage Offset (mV) | In milliVolts (mV), the input voltage that results in the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel. | ch03.Vzero | AI | 98 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 10000 |
Command Registers (read/write, volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Output (Scaled) | The analog value to output. Actual output will also depend on scaling, Czero, and Cspan registers. | ch03.analogOut | AO | 2 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 65535 |
Clear Counter | Set to 'all' to immediately force the counter register to 0. Set to 'read' to cause the next read of the counter to be the number of edges counted since the last counter read. The 'Clear Counter' button in the web page will write 'all' to the register. | ch03.clearCounter | DI | 74 | 1 | C |
all: 1 read: 0 |
Counter Latch | Internally set to 'latched' when the counter is incremented. Writing 'reset' will clear the latch. | ch03.latch | DI | 138 | 1 | C |
reset: 0 latched: 1 |
Output Switch | Controls the output state for DO and SP channels. | ch03.outputSwitch | DO, SP | 2 | 1 | C |
open: 0 closed: 1 |
Channel 4
Data Registers (read only)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Input (Float) | Analog input state as a floating point number. May represent voltage or current, depending on the Voltage or Current setting. | ch04.floatState | AI | 38 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Input (Int) | Analog input state as a 20-bit integer, unscaled. | ch04.intState | AI | 6 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Scaled Input (Int) | Analog input state as an integer, scaled to represent microAmps(µA) or milliVolts(mV) | ch04.scaledIntState | AI | 6 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Circuitry Protection | The status of circuitry protection on the channel. When this register reads on, an overload condition has been detected and the channel is temporarily disabled. | | DO, AI, SP | 27 | 1 | DI |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Pulse Counter | The number of pulse edges seen on a DI channel. | ch04.counter | DI | 70 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Input State | The DI state of the channel. | ch04.state | DI | 3 | 1 | DI |
low: 0 high: 1 |
Approx Current | The approximate number of milliAmps flowing through a DO channel set to high. | ch04.current | DO, SP | 115 | 1 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
I/O Mode | Sets the I/O role for the channel. | ch04.mode | off, DO, DI, AO, AI, SP | 19 | 1 | HR |
AO: 3 DO: 1 DI: 2 off: 0 SP: 5 AI: 4 |
Enable Default Output | Apply default DO/SP output on power up. Default is taken from defOutputSwitch register. WARNING - Changing this setting to 'off' may result in unpredictable behavior. | ch04.defOutEnable | DO, SP | 27 | 1 | C |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Clear Counter on Read | Whether or not to clear the counter after each time it is read (Channel 1 only, does NOT work on this channel). | ch04.clearOnRead | DI | 67 | 1 | C |
off: 1 on: 0 |
Debounce Input | Take multiple samples before deciding that an edge is real and not noise. Reduces max frequency of counting to 10 Hz. Only valid if counting speed is standard. | ch04.debounce | DI | 155 | 1 | C |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Edge to Count | Whether to count rising or falling edges. | ch04.edge | DI | 99 | 1 | C |
rising: 0 falling: 1 |
Current Range (μA) | The range of current that can be input or output for the channel. | ch04.Cspan | AO, AI | 123 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 25000 |
Default Output Switch State | The default state of the outputSwitch register when configured as DO or SP. | ch04.defOutputSwitch | DO, SP | 51 | 1 | C |
open: 0 closed: 1 |
Averaging Window | Moving average duration for floating point and integer inputs, to reduce signal noise. | ch04.filtering | AI | 43 | 1 | HR |
250s: 5 50s: 3 25s: 2 10s: 1 100s: 4 none: 0 |
Integer Type | The integer type reported by the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers. | ch04.intType | AI | 115 | 1 | C |
unsigned: 0 signed: 1 |
Monostable Time (ms) | The number of milliseconds after which a DO channel returns to its default state. Set to 0 for indefinite stability. | ch04.monostableTime | DO | 83 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 60000 |
Resistor Pull | Set to 'down' to connect a 10 kΩ pull-down resistor. Set to 'up' to connect a 1 kΩ pull-up resistor. Set to 'none' to disable both. |
ch04.pull | DO, DI, AO, AI | 59 | 1 | HR |
up: 2 down: 1 none: 0 |
Scaling Mode | Change the scaling of of the Output (Scaled) register. | ch04.scaling | AO | 75 | 1 | HR |
14bit: 14 12bit: 12 16bit: 16 muA: 0 |
Voltage or Current | Whether to read voltage or current for AI channels. For AO channels, must be set to current. | ch04.VorC | AI, AO | 123 | 1 | C |
voltage: 0 current: 1 |
Voltage Range (mV) | In milliVolts (mV), sets the voltage range that can be read by an AI channel. | ch04.Vspan | AI | 107 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 12500 |
Zero Current Offset (μA) | In microAmps(µA), the input current that results in the Input (Integer) and Scaled Input (Integer) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel, or the output current when Output (Scaled) is set to 0 for an AO channel. | ch04.Czero | AO, AI | 115 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 10000 |
Zero Voltage Offset (mV) | In milliVolts (mV), the input voltage that results in the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel. | ch04.Vzero | AI | 99 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 10000 |
Command Registers (read/write, volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Output (Scaled) | The analog value to output. Actual output will also depend on scaling, Czero, and Cspan registers. | ch04.analogOut | AO | 3 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 65535 |
Clear Counter | Set to 'all' to immediately force the counter register to 0. Set to 'read' to cause the next read of the counter to be the number of edges counted since the last counter read. The 'Clear Counter' button in the web page will write 'all' to the register. | ch04.clearCounter | DI | 75 | 1 | C |
all: 1 read: 0 |
Counter Latch | Internally set to 'latched' when the counter is incremented. Writing 'reset' will clear the latch. | ch04.latch | DI | 139 | 1 | C |
reset: 0 latched: 1 |
Output Switch | Controls the output state for DO and SP channels. | ch04.outputSwitch | DO, SP | 3 | 1 | C |
open: 0 closed: 1 |
Channel 5
Data Registers (read only)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Input (Float) | Analog input state as a floating point number. May represent voltage or current, depending on the Voltage or Current setting. | ch05.floatState | AI | 40 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Input (Int) | Analog input state as a 20-bit integer, unscaled. | ch05.intState | AI | 8 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Scaled Input (Int) | Analog input state as an integer, scaled to represent microAmps(µA) or milliVolts(mV) | ch05.scaledIntState | AI | 8 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Circuitry Protection | The status of circuitry protection on the channel. When this register reads on, an overload condition has been detected and the channel is temporarily disabled. | | AI | 28 | 1 | DI |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Pulse Counter | The number of pulse edges seen on a DI channel. | ch05.counter | DI | 72 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Input State | The DI state of the channel. | ch05.state | DI | 4 | 1 | DI |
low: 0 high: 1 |
Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
I/O Mode | Sets the I/O role for the channel. | ch05.mode | off, DI, AI | 20 | 1 | HR |
DI: 2 off: 0 AI: 4 |
Clear Counter on Read | Whether or not to clear the counter after each time it is read (Channel 1 only, does NOT work on this channel). | ch05.clearOnRead | DI | 68 | 1 | C |
off: 1 on: 0 |
Debounce Input | Take multiple samples before deciding that an edge is real and not noise. Reduces max frequency of counting to 10 Hz. Only valid if counting speed is standard. | ch05.debounce | DI | 156 | 1 | C |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Edge to Count | Whether to count rising or falling edges. | ch05.edge | DI | 100 | 1 | C |
rising: 0 falling: 1 |
Counting Speed | DI counting speed (10 kHz / 100 Hz). For channel pairs (5, 9), (6, 10), (7, 11), and (8, 12), only one from each pair may use high speed at a time. | ch05.speed | DI | 92 | 1 | C |
standard: 1 fast: 0 |
Current Range (μA) | The range of current that can be input or output for the channel. | ch05.Cspan | AI | 124 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 25000 |
Averaging Window | Moving average duration for floating point and integer inputs, to reduce signal noise. | ch05.filtering | AI | 44 | 1 | HR |
250s: 5 50s: 3 25s: 2 10s: 1 100s: 4 none: 0 |
Integer Type | The integer type reported by the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers. | ch05.intType | AI | 116 | 1 | C |
unsigned: 0 signed: 1 |
Resistor Pull | Set to 'down' to connect a 10 kΩ pull-down resistor. Set to 'up' to connect a 1 kΩ pull-up resistor. Set to 'none' to disable both. |
ch05.pull | DI, AI | 60 | 1 | HR |
up: 2 down: 1 none: 0 |
Voltage or Current | Whether to read voltage or current for AI channels. For AO channels, must be set to current. | ch05.VorC | AI, AO | 124 | 1 | C |
voltage: 0 current: 1 |
Voltage Range (mV) | In milliVolts (mV), sets the voltage range that can be read by an AI channel. | ch05.Vspan | AI | 108 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 12500 |
Zero Current Offset (μA) | In microAmps(µA), the input current that results in the Input (Integer) and Scaled Input (Integer) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel, or the output current when Output (Scaled) is set to 0 for an AO channel. | ch05.Czero | AI | 116 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 10000 |
Zero Voltage Offset (mV) | In milliVolts (mV), the input voltage that results in the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel. | ch05.Vzero | AI | 100 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 10000 |
Command Registers (read/write, volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Clear Counter | Set to 'all' to immediately force the counter register to 0. Set to 'read' to cause the next read of the counter to be the number of edges counted since the last counter read. The 'Clear Counter' button in the web page will write 'all' to the register. | ch05.clearCounter | DI | 76 | 1 | C |
all: 1 read: 0 |
Counter Latch | Internally set to 'latched' when the counter is incremented. Writing 'reset' will clear the latch. | ch05.latch | DI | 140 | 1 | C |
reset: 0 latched: 1 |
Channel 6
Data Registers (read only)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Input (Float) | Analog input state as a floating point number. May represent voltage or current, depending on the Voltage or Current setting. | ch06.floatState | AI | 42 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Input (Int) | Analog input state as a 20-bit integer, unscaled. | ch06.intState | AI | 10 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Scaled Input (Int) | Analog input state as an integer, scaled to represent microAmps(µA) or milliVolts(mV) | ch06.scaledIntState | AI | 10 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Circuitry Protection | The status of circuitry protection on the channel. When this register reads on, an overload condition has been detected and the channel is temporarily disabled. | | AI | 29 | 1 | DI |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Pulse Counter | The number of pulse edges seen on a DI channel. | ch06.counter | DI | 74 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Input State | The DI state of the channel. | ch06.state | DI | 5 | 1 | DI |
low: 0 high: 1 |
Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
I/O Mode | Sets the I/O role for the channel. | ch06.mode | off, DI, AI | 21 | 1 | HR |
DI: 2 off: 0 AI: 4 |
Clear Counter on Read | Whether or not to clear the counter after each time it is read (Channel 1 only, does NOT work on this channel). | ch06.clearOnRead | DI | 69 | 1 | C |
off: 1 on: 0 |
Debounce Input | Take multiple samples before deciding that an edge is real and not noise. Reduces max frequency of counting to 10 Hz. Only valid if counting speed is standard. | ch06.debounce | DI | 157 | 1 | C |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Edge to Count | Whether to count rising or falling edges. | ch06.edge | DI | 101 | 1 | C |
rising: 0 falling: 1 |
Counting Speed | DI counting speed (10 kHz / 100 Hz). For channel pairs (5, 9), (6, 10), (7, 11), and (8, 12), only one from each pair may use high speed at a time. | ch06.speed | DI | 93 | 1 | C |
standard: 1 fast: 0 |
Current Range (μA) | The range of current that can be input or output for the channel. | ch06.Cspan | AI | 125 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 25000 |
Averaging Window | Moving average duration for floating point and integer inputs, to reduce signal noise. | ch06.filtering | AI | 45 | 1 | HR |
250s: 5 50s: 3 25s: 2 10s: 1 100s: 4 none: 0 |
Integer Type | The integer type reported by the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers. | ch06.intType | AI | 117 | 1 | C |
unsigned: 0 signed: 1 |
Resistor Pull | Set to 'down' to connect a 10 kΩ pull-down resistor. Set to 'up' to connect a 1 kΩ pull-up resistor. Set to 'none' to disable both. |
ch06.pull | DI, AI | 61 | 1 | HR |
up: 2 down: 1 none: 0 |
Voltage or Current | Whether to read voltage or current for AI channels. For AO channels, must be set to current. | ch06.VorC | AI, AO | 125 | 1 | C |
voltage: 0 current: 1 |
Voltage Range (mV) | In milliVolts (mV), sets the voltage range that can be read by an AI channel. | ch06.Vspan | AI | 109 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 12500 |
Zero Current Offset (μA) | In microAmps(µA), the input current that results in the Input (Integer) and Scaled Input (Integer) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel, or the output current when Output (Scaled) is set to 0 for an AO channel. | ch06.Czero | AI | 117 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 10000 |
Zero Voltage Offset (mV) | In milliVolts (mV), the input voltage that results in the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel. | ch06.Vzero | AI | 101 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 10000 |
Command Registers (read/write, volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Clear Counter | Set to 'all' to immediately force the counter register to 0. Set to 'read' to cause the next read of the counter to be the number of edges counted since the last counter read. The 'Clear Counter' button in the web page will write 'all' to the register. | ch06.clearCounter | DI | 77 | 1 | C |
all: 1 read: 0 |
Counter Latch | Internally set to 'latched' when the counter is incremented. Writing 'reset' will clear the latch. | ch06.latch | DI | 141 | 1 | C |
reset: 0 latched: 1 |
Channel 7
Data Registers (read only)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Input (Float) | Analog input state as a floating point number. May represent voltage or current, depending on the Voltage or Current setting. | ch07.floatState | AI | 44 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Input (Int) | Analog input state as a 20-bit integer, unscaled. | ch07.intState | AI | 12 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Scaled Input (Int) | Analog input state as an integer, scaled to represent microAmps(µA) or milliVolts(mV) | ch07.scaledIntState | AI | 12 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Circuitry Protection | The status of circuitry protection on the channel. When this register reads on, an overload condition has been detected and the channel is temporarily disabled. | | AI | 30 | 1 | DI |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Pulse Counter | The number of pulse edges seen on a DI channel. | ch07.counter | DI | 76 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Input State | The DI state of the channel. | ch07.state | DI | 6 | 1 | DI |
low: 0 high: 1 |
Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
I/O Mode | Sets the I/O role for the channel. | ch07.mode | off, DI, AI | 22 | 1 | HR |
DI: 2 off: 0 AI: 4 |
Clear Counter on Read | Whether or not to clear the counter after each time it is read (Channel 1 only, does NOT work on this channel). | ch07.clearOnRead | DI | 70 | 1 | C |
off: 1 on: 0 |
Debounce Input | Take multiple samples before deciding that an edge is real and not noise. Reduces max frequency of counting to 10 Hz. Only valid if counting speed is standard. | ch07.debounce | DI | 158 | 1 | C |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Edge to Count | Whether to count rising or falling edges. | ch07.edge | DI | 102 | 1 | C |
rising: 0 falling: 1 |
Counting Speed | DI counting speed (10 kHz / 100 Hz). For channel pairs (5, 9), (6, 10), (7, 11), and (8, 12), only one from each pair may use high speed at a time. | ch07.speed | DI | 94 | 1 | C |
standard: 1 fast: 0 |
Current Range (μA) | The range of current that can be input or output for the channel. | ch07.Cspan | AI | 126 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 25000 |
Averaging Window | Moving average duration for floating point and integer inputs, to reduce signal noise. | ch07.filtering | AI | 46 | 1 | HR |
250s: 5 50s: 3 25s: 2 10s: 1 100s: 4 none: 0 |
Integer Type | The integer type reported by the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers. | ch07.intType | AI | 118 | 1 | C |
unsigned: 0 signed: 1 |
Resistor Pull | Set to 'down' to connect a 10 kΩ pull-down resistor. Set to 'up' to connect a 1 kΩ pull-up resistor. Set to 'none' to disable both. |
ch07.pull | DI, AI | 62 | 1 | HR |
up: 2 down: 1 none: 0 |
Voltage or Current | Whether to read voltage or current for AI channels. For AO channels, must be set to current. | ch07.VorC | AI, AO | 126 | 1 | C |
voltage: 0 current: 1 |
Voltage Range (mV) | In milliVolts (mV), sets the voltage range that can be read by an AI channel. | ch07.Vspan | AI | 110 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 12500 |
Zero Current Offset (μA) | In microAmps(µA), the input current that results in the Input (Integer) and Scaled Input (Integer) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel, or the output current when Output (Scaled) is set to 0 for an AO channel. | ch07.Czero | AI | 118 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 10000 |
Zero Voltage Offset (mV) | In milliVolts (mV), the input voltage that results in the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel. | ch07.Vzero | AI | 102 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 10000 |
Command Registers (read/write, volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Clear Counter | Set to 'all' to immediately force the counter register to 0. Set to 'read' to cause the next read of the counter to be the number of edges counted since the last counter read. The 'Clear Counter' button in the web page will write 'all' to the register. | ch07.clearCounter | DI | 78 | 1 | C |
all: 1 read: 0 |
Counter Latch | Internally set to 'latched' when the counter is incremented. Writing 'reset' will clear the latch. | ch07.latch | DI | 142 | 1 | C |
reset: 0 latched: 1 |
Channel 8
Data Registers (read only)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Input (Float) | Analog input state as a floating point number. May represent voltage or current, depending on the Voltage or Current setting. | ch08.floatState | AI | 46 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Input (Int) | Analog input state as a 20-bit integer, unscaled. | ch08.intState | AI | 14 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Scaled Input (Int) | Analog input state as an integer, scaled to represent microAmps(µA) or milliVolts(mV) | ch08.scaledIntState | AI | 14 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Circuitry Protection | The status of circuitry protection on the channel. When this register reads on, an overload condition has been detected and the channel is temporarily disabled. | | AI | 31 | 1 | DI |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Pulse Counter | The number of pulse edges seen on a DI channel. | ch08.counter | DI | 78 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Input State | The DI state of the channel. | ch08.state | DI | 7 | 1 | DI |
low: 0 high: 1 |
Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
I/O Mode | Sets the I/O role for the channel. | ch08.mode | off, DI, AI | 23 | 1 | HR |
DI: 2 off: 0 AI: 4 |
Clear Counter on Read | Whether or not to clear the counter after each time it is read (Channel 1 only, does NOT work on this channel). | ch08.clearOnRead | DI | 71 | 1 | C |
off: 1 on: 0 |
Debounce Input | Take multiple samples before deciding that an edge is real and not noise. Reduces max frequency of counting to 10 Hz. Only valid if counting speed is standard. | ch08.debounce | DI | 159 | 1 | C |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Edge to Count | Whether to count rising or falling edges. | ch08.edge | DI | 103 | 1 | C |
rising: 0 falling: 1 |
Counting Speed | DI counting speed (10 kHz / 100 Hz). For channel pairs (5, 9), (6, 10), (7, 11), and (8, 12), only one from each pair may use high speed at a time. | ch08.speed | DI | 95 | 1 | C |
standard: 1 fast: 0 |
Current Range (μA) | The range of current that can be input or output for the channel. | ch08.Cspan | AI | 127 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 25000 |
Averaging Window | Moving average duration for floating point and integer inputs, to reduce signal noise. | ch08.filtering | AI | 47 | 1 | HR |
250s: 5 50s: 3 25s: 2 10s: 1 100s: 4 none: 0 |
Integer Type | The integer type reported by the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers. | ch08.intType | AI | 119 | 1 | C |
unsigned: 0 signed: 1 |
Resistor Pull | Set to 'down' to connect a 10 kΩ pull-down resistor. Set to 'up' to connect a 1 kΩ pull-up resistor. Set to 'none' to disable both. |
ch08.pull | DI, AI | 63 | 1 | HR |
up: 2 down: 1 none: 0 |
Voltage or Current | Whether to read voltage or current for AI channels. For AO channels, must be set to current. | ch08.VorC | AI, AO | 127 | 1 | C |
voltage: 0 current: 1 |
Voltage Range (mV) | In milliVolts (mV), sets the voltage range that can be read by an AI channel. | ch08.Vspan | AI | 111 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 12500 |
Zero Current Offset (μA) | In microAmps(µA), the input current that results in the Input (Integer) and Scaled Input (Integer) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel, or the output current when Output (Scaled) is set to 0 for an AO channel. | ch08.Czero | AI | 119 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 10000 |
Zero Voltage Offset (mV) | In milliVolts (mV), the input voltage that results in the Input (Int) and Scaled Input (Int) registers reporting 0 for an AI channel. | ch08.Vzero | AI | 103 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 10000 |
Command Registers (read/write, volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Clear Counter | Set to 'all' to immediately force the counter register to 0. Set to 'read' to cause the next read of the counter to be the number of edges counted since the last counter read. The 'Clear Counter' button in the web page will write 'all' to the register. | ch08.clearCounter | DI | 79 | 1 | C |
all: 1 read: 0 |
Counter Latch | Internally set to 'latched' when the counter is incremented. Writing 'reset' will clear the latch. | ch08.latch | DI | 143 | 1 | C |
reset: 0 latched: 1 |
Channel 9 (DI ONLY)
Data Registers (read only)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Pulse Counter | The number of pulse edges seen on a DI channel. | ch09.counter | DI | 80 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Input State | The DI state of the channel. | ch09.state | DI | 8 | 1 | DI |
low: 0 high: 1 |
Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
I/O Mode | Sets the I/O role for the channel. | ch09.mode | off, DI | 24 | 1 | HR |
DI: 2 off: 0 |
Debounce Input | Take multiple samples before deciding that an edge is real and not noise. Reduces max frequency of counting to 10 Hz. Only valid if counting speed is standard. | ch09.debounce | DI | 160 | 1 | C |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Edge to Count | Whether to count rising or falling edges. | ch09.edge | DI | 104 | 1 | C |
rising: 0 falling: 1 |
Counting Speed | DI counting speed (10 kHz / 100 Hz). For channel pairs (5, 9), (6, 10), (7, 11), and (8, 12), only one from each pair may use high speed at a time. | ch09.speed | DI | 92 | 1 | C |
standard: 0 fast: 1 |
Command Registers (read/write, volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Clear Counter | Set to 'all' to immediately force the counter register to 0. Set to 'read' to cause the next read of the counter to be the number of edges counted since the last counter read. The 'Clear Counter' button in the web page will write 'all' to the register. | ch09.clearCounter | DI | 80 | 1 | C |
all: 1 read: 0 |
Counter Latch | Internally set to 'latched' when the counter is incremented. Writing 'reset' will clear the latch. | ch09.latch | DI | 144 | 1 | C |
reset: 0 latched: 1 |
Channel 10 DI ONLY)
Data Registers (read only)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Pulse Counter | The number of pulse edges seen on a DI channel. | ch10.counter | DI | 82 | 2 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Input State | The DI state of the channel. | ch10.state | DI | 9 | 1 | DI |
low: 0 high: 1 |
Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
I/O Mode | Sets the I/O role for the channel. | ch10.mode | off, DI | 25 | 1 | HR |
DI: 2 off: 0 |
Debounce Input | Take multiple samples before deciding that an edge is real and not noise. Reduces max frequency of counting to 10 Hz. Only valid if counting speed is standard. | ch10.debounce | DI | 161 | 1 | C |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Edge to Count | Whether to count rising or falling edges. | ch10.edge | DI | 105 | 1 | C |
rising: 0 falling: 1 |
Counting Speed | DI counting speed (10 kHz / 100 Hz). For channel pairs (5, 9), (6, 10), (7, 11), and (8, 12), only one from each pair may use high speed at a time. | ch10.speed | DI | 93 | 1 | C |
standard: 0 fast: 1 |
Command Registers (read/write, volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Clear Counter | Set to 'all' to immediately force the counter register to 0. Set to 'read' to cause the next read of the counter to be the number of edges counted since the last counter read. The 'Clear Counter' button in the web page will write 'all' to the register. | ch10.clearCounter | DI | 81 | 1 | C |
all: 1 read: 0 |
Counter Latch | Internally set to 'latched' when the counter is incremented. Writing 'reset' will clear the latch. | ch10.latch | DI | 145 | 1 | C |
reset: 0 latched: 1 |
Channel 11 (DO ONLY)
Data Registers (read only)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Circuitry Protection | The status of circuitry protection on the channel. When this register reads on, an overload condition has been detected and the channel is temporarily disabled. | | DO | 34 | 1 | DI |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Approx Current | The approximate number of milliAmps flowing through a DO channel set to high. | ch11.current | DO | 118 | 1 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
I/O Mode | Sets the I/O role for the channel. | ch11.mode | off, DO | 26 | 1 | HR |
off: 0 DO: 1 |
Enable Default Output | Apply default DO/SP output on power up. Default is taken from defOutputSwitch register. WARNING - Changing this setting to 'off' may result in unpredictable behavior. | ch11.defOutEnable | DO | 34 | 1 | C |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Default Output Switch State | The default state of the outputSwitch register when configured as DO or SP. | ch11.defOutputSwitch | DO | 58 | 1 | C |
open: 0 closed: 1 |
Monostable Time (ms) | The number of milliseconds after which a DO channel returns to its default state. Set to 0 for indefinite stability. | ch11.monostableTime | DO | 90 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 60000 |
Command Registers (read/write, volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Output Switch | Controls the output state for DO and SP channels. | ch11.outputSwitch | DO | 10 | 1 | C |
open: 0 closed: 1 |
Channel 12 (DO ONLY)
Data Registers (read only)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Circuitry Protection | The status of circuitry protection on the channel. When this register reads on, an overload condition has been detected and the channel is temporarily disabled. | | DO | 35 | 1 | DI |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Approx Current | The approximate number of milliAmps flowing through a DO channel set to high. | ch12.current | DO | 119 | 1 | IR |
min: 0 max: 0 |
Config Registers (read/write, non-volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
I/O Mode | Sets the I/O role for the channel. | ch12.mode | off, DO | 27 | 1 | HR |
off: 0 DO: 1 |
Enable Default Output | Apply default DO/SP output on power up. Default is taken from defOutputSwitch register. WARNING - Changing this setting to 'off' may result in unpredictable behavior. | ch12.defOutEnable | DO | 35 | 1 | C |
off: 0 on: 1 |
Default Output Switch State | The default state of the outputSwitch register when configured as DO or SP. | ch12.defOutputSwitch | DO | 59 | 1 | C |
open: 0 closed: 1 |
Monostable Time (ms) | The number of milliseconds after which a DO channel returns to its default state. Set to 0 for indefinite stability. | ch12.monostableTime | DO | 91 | 1 | HR |
min: 0 max: 60000 |
Command Registers (read/write, volatile)
Title | Description | API Key | Applicable Modes | Address | Register Count | Register Type | Options / Range |
Output Switch | Controls the output state for DO and SP channels. | ch12.outputSwitch | DO | 11 | 1 | C |
open: 0 closed: 1 |
Device Registers
Data Registers (read only)
Title | Description | API Key | Address | Register Count | Register Type |
Device Temperature | The temperature of the IOEX module's circuit board, in Celsius. | device.temperature | 152 | 1 | IR |
Supply Voltage | The supply voltage given to the IOEX module, in millivolts. This voltage will be output on an SP channel when outputSwitch=closed | device.supplyVoltage | 153 | 1 | IR |