FreeWave API information
The FreeWave Data Portal allows any customer to consume data into their own applications via the use of an API.
API Documentation
API documentation is available in the portal, by clicking on Help icon and selecting Documentation.
General Authentication and Response is available by clicking on the link on the right-hand side.
Specific information relating to available Data Portal endpoints can be accessed by clicking on the Swagger documentation link.
Creating API Keys
API keys are required along with the JWT token to access the Device endpoints.
API keys are tied to Access Groups in the Data Portal. Access Groups allow you to restrict users in your organization to specific devices.
To access this, click on the User Profile icon and select User Management.
Navigate to Access Groups.
Click on + Create Access Group and give it a name and click Create.
Click the Edit icon beside your new Access Group.
Add your Users and Devices into the relevant fields. You can select every user and device if required.
Note: If you're not using Webhooks, this can be ignored.
Under API Keys, click + Add API Key. Give it a name and click Create.
Your new API token will appear in the list.
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