Examining messages via the FreeWave Data Portal
Find your device in the FreeWave Data Platform.
Log in to FreeWave Portal and click the Devices menu item on the left-hand menu. All Fusion Minis and Bluetooth sensors will be displayed in the main window.
Seeing messages
You will see your devices in the list in the main window.
On the left-hand side of the row for the Fusion Mini, click on the Edit icon.
To view the communication messages for your Fusion Mini, locate the Latest Messages icon on the far right as pictured.
Viewing the messages
The message records will be displayed.
There are four columns:
- Queue Ingest Time (local) - this is the time the data was received by the FreeWave Ingest. This is not the time the data was transmitted by the device to the Swarm satellite but the time it was received by the Ingest bus
- Queue Ingest Time (UTC) - same as above but for UTC timezone.
- Message Size
- Message Type - will show the communication method the message arrived via.
By default, the Swarm data is displayed in Raw format. This is a Hex encoding of the JSON message that was sent over the Swarm network. You can either use the top drop down to decode all Swarm messages, or you can decode them individually.
The Swarm data will be accessible by expanding the down arrow.
The timestamp listed here is when the data was sampled on the Fusion Mini, not the transmission time.
Each measurement received is displayed along with the relevant value. These measurements are also reflected on the dashboard if you are subscribed to them.
Information for Webhook-only customers.
Messages are sent to your endpoint as JSON and will have the user-agent ms-consumer. Requests will accept-encoding gzip.
The server is expected to receive a 200 OK in response to a received message. The content of the message will be ignored. The minimum response required would look like:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 0
If the correct format is not returned, the message will be placed back onto the queue and will retried after a delay. This delay will increase on repeated failure up to a maximum of 1 week, where the message will then be dropped.
What's in the message?
The decoded message is structured in the following way:
"type": "swarm",
"data": {
"ackPacketId": 0,
"data": "VGVzdCBNZXNzYWdl",
"dataType": 6,
"deviceId": 1493,
"deviceName": "",
"deviceType": 1,
"hiveRxTime": "2021-06-09T10:30:19",
"len": 12,
"packetId": 1,
"status": 0,
"viaDeviceId": 1
Some of the more specifically useful fields are:
- Data - this is the actual data sent from your device to the modem and is encoded as Base64. You will need to decode the Base64 to see the actual data.
- hiveRxTime - this is the time when the Swarm message was received by the Swarm network
Other questions?
If you have any other questions, please email support@freewave.com.
If you have any Swarm-related questions, please see the Swarm Developer Tools @ https://swarm.space/developertools/.
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