Configuring Access Groups and API keys
Access Groups let administrators create access groups for specific devices or users or both in your organization.
These groups can also be used to restrict access to specific devices. In this scenario, an external user to your organization can be placed in an access group that is limited to a specific device or group of devices and will only see those devices when logging in.
By default, every organization has a default Access Group known as Default Group. This group contains all devices and users in your organization.
API keys are created against Access Groups. This gives you the ability to consume data via the API for all devices in your org or a subset of devices or a specific device.
Webhooks can be linked-to Access Groups also in the same way.
Creating Access Groups
To create an Access Group, click on your username on the top left corner and in the context menu, select Access Groups.
The list of current Access Groups is displayed.
To create an access group, click Create Access Group.
You will be asked to give your Access Group a name.
Managing Access Groups
Access Groups can be managed by clicking on the Edit icon in the Access Group list including setting up the new Access Group you just created.
In the Edit window, you can specify which of your organization's Users, Devices, and Webhooks should be associated with this Access Group.
Creating API Keys
API Keys are created within the Access Group section.
To create a new key, you first need to edit the access group and scroll to the bottom where you will see API Keys.
Any already created keys are displayed in the list.
Click Add New+, give it a name, and press Add.
The new key and the token will be created.
Accessing Data through the API
Depending on the system you are using to display FreeWave data, will depend on how you connect to the API endpoint.
API documentation for the V2 portal is found on the Portal for registered users. Please contact FreeWave Support for more information.
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